Community Service Project/Awards & Recognition
Ideas for Community Service
- “Time to Show Skills” Retirement and Assisted Living homes
- “Feel Good Bandits” Bake Goods/Gift Bags
- “Homeless Hero’s” Collecting Items for the Homeless
- “Hungry No More” Collect food for families in our community
- “School Rocks” Book bag and school supply collection
Being Involved in the Community Benefits
- Showing the Girls they can truly have a positive impact on others life
- The wonderful fulfilling feeling you get when serving others
- Creating the feeling of accomplishment
- How great knowing you did something that made a difference
- Learning opportunities from helping others
- Building new skills such as but not limited to :planning, speaking out, organizing, following through, and so much more
- Gives the girls a new perspective on their own community
- Learning Humility
- Being an Inspiration to others
- Let’s you experience something larger than their self
- Learning that touch's others life will in return touch your life so much more
- And so much more Awards and Recognition
Awards and Recognition Requirements
- Every troop is required to wear a Girl Scouts or Sleepy Hollow item while doing community service and to pictures of doing the community service and to fill out Community Service form or include a write up about the community service for recognition.
- Each troop that meets the requirement will have their troop recognized at the next event for their participation in community service, then we will do the drawing for the basket
- Each troop will get a certificate for participating and one lucky troop will win the basket
- Email your pictures, and write up to [email protected]